Stage 06: Historic architecture in a picturesque landscape

28,0 kmapprox. 07:15 a.mschwer

Be enchanted by local forests; experience the variety of picturesque waterways and discover idyllic meadow landscapes.

This stage takes you from the Haard to the Steverauen in Olfen. The access route runs through the Stimberg Park in Oer-Erkenschwick. This is where you start your adventure on the Hohe Mark Steig.

That grabs you right from the start Forest area of ​​the Haard and let you walk on soft paths for a while. Seemingly endless, the trees stretch into the sky. Can you smell the smell of the forest? Let the atmosphere affect you and keep an eye out: Maybe you will see one or the other forest dweller?
A great attraction follows: The Devil Stone. It is also known as stone armor by the locals. A huge, imposing block of quartzite in the typical nodular form. Take a souvenir photo in this mystical place.

It continues contemplatively through the forest and into the Gernebachtal. An enchanting landscape awaits you. The sensitive nature reserve covers approx. 40 ha. Due to ditches and groundwater extraction, it is an almost treeless, dry moor surrounded by pine forest. Many Red List plants are found here.

You hike further and further through forest and avenues to the Wesel-Datteln Canal and towards Ahsen lock. Here you cross the canal and go on House Vogelsang over. A sensitive nature reserve was created around the former aristocratic residence, which always looks different as it changes.

Hike through the landscape pictures until you meet the Wesel-Datteln Canal again. On the bank of the canal, up to the »Altenfahrt« and again further along the water, it goes towards the three-arch bridge.

Make a little detour to the Dreibogenbrücke, because from there you can have an endless view of the river and let the magic of the landscape work on you. The bridge, designed in the style of historicism, was built in 1894. The special thing about it is that the canal including the ships on the "Dreibogenbrücke Alte Fahrt" over which Stever was led. A grandiose technical masterpiece and a visual treat for the eyes.

Accompany the »Alte Reise« for a while. It takes you to Olfen and one of the last highlights of your hike: the "Steverauen".

The renatured, once agricultural area around the River Stever has been transformed into wonderful nature and the river has found its natural path again. Heck cattle and Konik horses graze the meadows, along with Poitou and giant donkeys. The interplay of water and animals redesigns the meadow landscape again and again and gives you a great view over the seemingly endless landscape, which seems mystical in some light.

You almost have your milestone, that Steveraue Nature Park House, achieved. Enjoy the last part of your way and plan the next stage on the Hohe Mark Steig, which always welcomes you, with a little refreshment.

Manuel Andrack on the Hohe Mark Steig - Stage 6 on the three-arch bridge in Olfen



Distance: 28,0 kmDuration: approx. 07:15 hStart: Oer ErkenschwickDestination: Olfen Nature Park House SteveraueDifficulty: hardAscent: 100 mDescent: 160 mMain way


Start: car park at the corner of Stimbergpark and Buschstr.Destination: Kökelsumer Str. 66a in 59399 Olfen

Arrival by bus & train

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