Stage 05: A fairytale sea of colors on the edge of the Ruhr area
Enjoy impressive lake panoramas; explore the Haard on narrow paths; roam the heathland and let yourself be carried through the different landscapes.
In Haltern am See begins your approach to the Hohe Mark Steig, which immediately comes up with a highlight: the Water landscapes of the Haltern reservoir. Here the eye cannot decide where to look first. It doesn't have to.
Along the meandering Stever you are carried through the landscape: sometimes under trees along the shore, sometimes with a clear view of the Stever, sometimes on soft forest paths.
Up to the lake and further until it divides and offers you a magnificent panorama in both directions. Then a bit through a wooded area and your gaze wanders over the divided lake again.
Keep an eye out! You may see a rare guest on its foray: the osprey. Recognizable by its wide, distinctive stripe from the eyes to the sides of the neck.
In the immediate vicinity and on your way you will walk through a real gem that opens up to you almost out of nowhere: The Westrup Heath. Sandy paths and a bizarre heath and juniper landscape. When the heather is in bloom, it is a sea of soft lilac and pink. Tempting! The area is the largest dwarf shrub heath in Westphalia.
According to a legend, this landscape came about like this: after the angels had shaped the earth on behalf of God, the good soil was already distributed everywhere, when they realized with a start that a piece was missing between Lippe and Stever. They hurriedly dumped out a sack of sand and laid a thin layer of humus residue over it. Now some undemanding plants were growing here too - and God saw that it was good...
You are now heading towards the Lippe on woody paths. Here you can choose: Would you like to cross the bridge dry-shod or would you rather be adventurous on the lip with the Allis shad ferry swim? A good idea?
With the help of a crank and your muscle power, you can bring yourself to the other side of the river. A nice challenge!
After the adventure lies the tranquil place Flaesheim on your route. Would you like a little break?
Walk on the woody paths of the haird in Richtung Fire watchtower Rennberg. You can already see it on an elevation in front of you: the steel structure is 39 meters high and you can walk on it up to the last platform at a height of 36 meters. Climb up! You should not miss the wide view that you have over the green forest idyll when the weather is clear.
You are now on the last part of your adventure tour on the Hohe Mark Steig, which will take you through the southern part of the Haard for quite a while. Birds chirping, rustling leaves, earthy forest smell and soft light falling through the treetops - forest bathing - a real pleasure for all senses! In the play of light and shadow you can follow your thoughts, enjoy the beauty of the forest, the small sights. Become a treasure hunter!
Your stage on the climb is over on the Haard Grenzweg. Let your experience linger, perhaps with a good meal. Enjoy your meal!